Horses Creating HOPE
During this time of dislocation, fear, and trauma, people are struggling mightily.
The pandemic and economic collapse constitute an existential threat. Riding Beyond’s horses were fortunately missed by raging wild fires on September 8 that leveled over 2000 homes in our community. Everything is uncertain. Everyone is on edge.
How do we find hope in times of crisis?
We find hope by offering hope. By expressing kindness in concrete ways. By making a difference in other’s lives.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month when we reach out to you, our supporters, to help us spread awareness about the after-effects of breast cancer treatment and how Riding Beyond helps.
We are reaching out to ask for your support for our work.
Although we have a fabulous group of volunteers who help care for the horses and administer our programs, the costs of feeding and caring for our equine partners, the ongoing investment in equipment and supplies, and the expense of housing the horses costs $30,000 a year.
If you are in a position to make a charitable gift, your donation will offset the costs of keeping the barn doors open while helping breast cancer survivors open their doors to a brighter future with our monthly virtual sessions.
Every contribution, large or small, makes a difference.
All donors will receive their own horse kiss, animated with music: virtual, yes, and full of appreciation from the horse’s heart to yours.
You can offer HOPE in a variety of ways:
- Just click the button above for easy giving by credit card or Paypal.
- Go to Make-a-Donation for a variety of giving categories.
- Click on the donation button top or bottom of any page on our website.
- You can also send your tax-deductible donation by mail to: Riding Beyond, PO Box 1281, Ashland, OR 97520

Amid the uncertainty of these times,
Riding Beyond is quietly hoping our donors will ride to the rescue.
Thank you from the Staff and Board of Riding Beyond
“Hope itself is like a star —
not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity,
and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.”
– Charles Haddon Spurgeon

During October, receive our email collection of HOPE-full words and images coming your way: BRIGHT STARS and stories of HOPE at Riding Beyond. Join our mailing list below.