Small Group 4-Week Sessions
April, May and September.
For specific session dates and to sign up, go to EVENTS
If you are a woman seeking revitalization following the effects of breast cancer, COVID or wildfire trauma, read here about the invigorating activities we offer. Feel free to call us about your particular situation. In some cases you can benefit from joining us while still in treatment. Or immediately afterward. Or months and years later. Saturday sessions are open to the public: friends, family, health care providers, mentors, and anyone curious to experience our pioneering work in equine assisted human development services, conducted by certified professionals.
Through carefully designed and guided experiences with horses, conducted by a certified therapeutic riding instructor, our sessions offer such benefits as these:
• Revitalized energy.
• Re-sensitizing to touch and being touched.
• Activating the vagus nerve to benefit autonomic nervous system issues such as digestive issues, and heightened respiration and heart rates.
• Widening the field of awareness through synchronized breathing and musical activities.
• Opening new areas of mental and emotional functioning through mind/brain “games.”
• Revealing new possibilities for the future.
• Click here to read “A Morning with Mystic,” a first-hand account of what happens at Riding Beyond, by a participant.
• Click here to read Participants’ Writings about their experience with Riding Beyond.
Small group spring and fall 4-week sessions conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons 1-5 pm
All-day group sessions will be conducted on Saturdays in May, June, July and September.
Find session dates HERE.
Sessions are conducted under the highest safety standards, by a PATH International certified therapeutic riding instructor and certified equine specialist, attending to the well-being of all people and horses involved in Riding Beyond. Additionally, licensed mental health professionals guide sessions. Three or four volunteers assist and participate.
Doctor’s Statement (form provided by Riding Beyond, see below)
Signed Liability Release (at first session) and Participant Application (see below)
Issues following your breast cancer treatment or during ongoing treatment after chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
Find session dates HERE.
To register for a small group session on Tuesday or Wednesday, call
Trish Broersma 541 482 6210 and then fill out and return these forms:
Participant Application (PDF)
Physician Statement (PDF)
Signed liability release and electronic registration (see events page).
Group sessions are open to health care professionals and anyone interested in exploring the benefits of the horse/human relationship for recovery from breast cancer treatment, COVID and wildfire trauma.
Find group session dates and register online HERE.
Small group sessions are offered free of charge.
Group sessions $50 charge.