Back with the Horses!
After over a year of meeting virtually, starting April 6, 2021, we returned to Riding Beyond with the horses and a donkey, to everyone’s joy. Here are enthusiastic reflections from our participants.

This word cloud captures the final gifts claimed by our April participants following four weeks’ explorations of the Riding Beyond themes for each week:
Week 1: Encounter with a Being of Large Heart
Week 2: Things that Horses Teach Us
Week 3: Our Woundings Have a Sacred Component
Week 4: The Larger Story Beckoning to Us
Writings by Participants in Praise of the Horse

“The beautiful and tranquil setting for Riding Beyond is in itself healing.Being with a small group of women with similar healing concerns is very comforting and inspiring. Being in that beautiful setting with the animals is like coming home to me.”
This is a positive life changing program.
The connection with the participants, knowing we have been through similar circumstances, the beautiful ranch, Trish and the horses, nothing could have been better. This is truly an experience in opening my heart to love.
– CT
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate Trish Broersma and her Riding Beyond program, offered for free, to breast cancer survivors like me… like you! Every layered detail of her program is designed to empower us to connect, safely, heart to heart, with these enormous magnificent beings, by deepening our sensitivity to other and self simultaneously. The sessions are educational, deep, fun, and exhilarating. Poems, stories, sharing within the circle, weave through each session, making it a holistic healing experience. I am learning so much, enjoying so much. Since I started the program a few weeks ago, I’ve made friends with a small herd of horses along my walk by singing to them… and horses have woven their way into my sleep time dreams as well! Please accept this offering, you will be delighted.
– AA
The power of horses to bring you to the present moment while spinning through seemingly impossible obstacles. Watching the storm, instead of being torn apart by it. Learning to dance in perfect choreography through the awakening of your senses…like listening to the ground to find your heart. This is my experience at Riding Beyond… A beautiful gift…

Mystic Carefully Curious about a New Herd Member