Zoe Livingston: I choose the latter.
A Magnificent Being the Horse One can be fearful of its poweror in awe of its majesty. I choose the latter.The horse had shown me the way toa beautiful light and love. —Zoe Livingston
A Magnificent Being the Horse One can be fearful of its poweror in awe of its majesty. I choose the latter.The horse had shown me the way toa beautiful light and love. —Zoe Livingston
Our thanks to Julia Babb for her gracious and skilled interviewing of Trish Broersma regarding Riding Beyond in spring, 2019, on RVTV, our local community television station. Julia has volunteered her talents in a number of ways for Riding Beyond: grant writing and on the ground with the horses.
July is our annual appeal month. You are invited to support the work of Riding Beyond in Opening Doors to the Future for breast cancer survivors. Each week, we’ll add insights about doors opening to the future at Riding Beyond. And a new photo of doors from around the world by Carolyn Jost. (See below) […]
Horse Buckskin Abby in the rain Mystic in the sun Muscles smooth Ears saying more than I could With only MY body. Eyes wide and aware Empathy and compassion? It surely felt like it. Moments of touch Physical and emotional. Peace, quiet, Deep breath contentment. Who knew a horse would Make such a difference. —Beth […]
May Participants Write Praise Songs to the Horse My Max, My Horse Powerful, magnificent Keeps me in the present, Continually aware of my surroundings. Reminds me to relax my body as I ride and control my fear and enjoy the ride Lessons for life Yes, I think so. — Debra Allen Magical is what […]
Last Saturday, May 25, we began our monthly half days for anyone interested in what horses can bring to their lives. Our focus this time for the overall theme of Challenging Times Call for New Strategies, was to deepen our soul connections and gain a dose of spirit to enliven us for the tasks before […]
Psychology Today posted an article on May 9, 2019: “Longer Exhalations Are an Easy Way to Hack Your Vagus Nerve” which describes in a user-friendly way why many of the practices of Riding Beyond are so beneficial, even joy-inducing. An excerpt: These studies corroborate that longer exhalations are an easy way to hack the vagus nerve, […]
My latest favorite poem: How to Triumph Like a Girl I like the lady horses best,how they make it all look easy,like running 40 miles per houris as fun as taking a nap, or grass.I like their lady horse swagger,after winning. Ears up, girls, ears up!But mainly, let’s be honest, I likethat they’re ladies. As […]
Why do I feel so weak? Why do I not see my triumph? Why do I not see my Victory? Why do I not see my success? Did I try hard enough? Did I have passion? Did I have the right tools? What do I expect from myself? What do I want […]
Mystic blisses out as Ann-Marie reads this poem to her: Oh splendid beast,Oh mystic giant,Means freedom to my heart,A calming to my soul. Gratitude flows in rhythm to the beat of your steps,My heart against your body,Holding me up, holding me up. Dark eyes of mirroring glass draw me in,down, down, down into the […]