Tribute by Linda Williams

Mystic — as your name implies . . . a seer, a sage, an oracle — You have been all of these to me in our brief sessions.
As the seer — you taught me that real strength comes not from our bodies, but from our hearts, of which yours is very large! and from our very souls.
As the sage — your patience, tolerance, acceptance and gentleness reach out to me whenever I approach you or touch you.
As the oracle — you have shown me all living things are connected as we confront the mysteries of life.
Whether the seer, the sage, or the oracle — with you, I have been able to fully enjoy each moment we’ve share without thoughts of what’s happened in my past — I feel appreciation in touching another living soul — I feel inner peace.
So — with deep feelings of gratitude, I thank you, Mystic. It’s been a privilege and a grand adventure knowing you.