Denise Krause: Coming Home
Coming Home
The world is full of distraction
A myriad of mindless details swirling in our heads
To avoid, to miss out on the beautiful tiny miracles intertwined into the fabric of our lives.
It’s so easy to get caught up out there
In the rough waves of a stormy sea
Separated from our true selves
Living in our heads,
Not enough in our hearts.
How can I find myself?
How can I come home?
My soul yearns for connection
To a divine power greater than me.
This strength, this power, this beauty
Can be found in many forms.
Here is one now – my sister.
Four-legged, sensitive, strong, knowing – a sentient being.
Her presence calls me home to myself.
She is my teacher.
She is spirit.
She integrates me.
I am home — and I am grateful.